I have a 4 year old son with my ex partner.. unfortunately I haven't had any contact with him since October 2021, my ex has stated multiple since 2021 that I must go through mediation before she will recommence contact however I have tried this several times and each time she has point blank refused to engage with the mediators.. unfortunately I am not able to afford to pay for private law court proceedings right now as my current partner and I are expecting a baby in a few weeks and my ex is now using this to tell everyone I don't care about my son. She has refused to even send me any pictures or updates on his welfare for the past 2 years... I am also concerned because her father has been convicted of offences against minors and has physical contact with my son on a daily basis. Regardless of my personal feelings towards my ex or her feelings towards me.. all I want is an amicable relationship in order to see my son regularly as soon as possible, he is a beautiful and clever little boy and he used to love every second we spent together and I feel deeply saddened that he has been deprived of a father in his life for so long through no fault of his own, what can I do to resume contact without dragging him through court proceedings or if court is the only option, is there any aid I can get in order to start working towards seeing him asap.
Many Thanks
Hi, I have wanted to reply to your post for a while. Firstly, I think everyone one on this site is deeply affected by alienation and conflict. It is dreadfully difficult to share the pain of another when your own pain is immense. You are not alone, and I feel your hurt and frustration. The court system is expensive and slow, does not check facts or investigate malicious parent. Start at the CAB to see if you can get help with legal costs. Take some free advice sessions from solicitors that offer such. If you can bear it, do all possible to placate your ex, without jeopardizing your relationship with your partner. It's a long journey, unfair and painful. I am a Christian. I know that I have been wronged, hurt to the point of absolute despair but will never allow my ex to destroy me. I wait for my child to know the truth. There is an ultimate judgement for us all. Stand firm in knowledge that you did and continue to do, your absolute best as a decent and honest parent. God bless. K.