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The PAPA Van: A driving force for change and awareness.

How and why the introduction of the PAPA van can have an impact on the fight against parental alienation and those afflicted.

It's been a week since I launched the PAPA van so it's likely you'll already know about it (I've had several of you approach me since I've been out and about).

When I announced the PAPA van I gave a brief explanation of why I decided to do this so I'll try to elaborate further.

Why did you create the PAPA van?

If you've been following PAPA or been a member for a while you'll know that the majority of my work is done through the power of social media. I've relied heavily on social media to spread awareness of my campaigns and what we stand for. Which has been great as we've continued to grow in stature, with a lot of publications featuring PAPA, further boosting our profile.

However, the main stumbling block with this is that facebook, instagram etc are only interested in their bottom line so they keep adapting their algorithm to monetise their platform as much as possible. Even as our following grows, our reach through social media platforms doesn't seem to grow in tandem and this is because the social media platforms are trying their best to sell me ad space.

I wouldn't have such an issue with this if I were a business but PAPA is a completely free resource for alienated parents. I already give up a lot of time and money to make PAPA a reality.

It's clear to me that I cannot rely on social media to grow PAPA where I need it to be, I knew I needed to explore other options and this is where the PAPA van came in.

Already in the week since I launched it, I've had several people stop me in the street to talk about the van and PAPA, most of which are not on social media.

This means that I'm now able to reach a wider audience of alienated children and parents who like you reading this, will be in need of support.

The mission is to take the money away from the family law industry and redirect it to the children who matter. To do this we need to make all resources as easily accessible as possible, we need to create a strong support community and we need to make the family court process as "cheap" and as simple as possible.

The PAPA van helps take us on the road to doing that (yes the pun was intentional!).

What will the PAPA van be used for?

The general idea of the PAPA van is for it to be used as part of future campaigns and events. It also means that no matter where I go I'm representing PAPA, spreading the word and spreading awareness.

Further to my earlier point about social media; we have a great support community in our facebook group but the long term plan is to create a bigger and better community here on the PAPA website with the introduction of the blog, forum and upcoming free family court resources.

In time I expect PAPA to be the go to place for support, knowledge and experience when navigating the complexities of family court as well as the issues surrounding parental alienation.

I will be taking the van with me across the country when I put up signs as part of the ongoing 'Equal Parenting' campaign as well as other future events and campaigns. I'll be taking the van with me when I visit parents I'm helping or have helped or when I meet with members of parliament or members of the press. This van is my badge of honour.

What's next for the PAPA van?

Aside from future campaigns I'm proud to announce that this year PAPA will be supporting the local Santa's Roadshow, in Wisbech.

Not only will we be spreading the magic of Christmas but we will be raising money for one of the local care homes; Hickathrift House. All donations will be going towards their activities and life enrichment for their residents.

The PAPA van will be escorting Santa and his elves by pulling his sleigh through the villages and areas of Wisbech this Christmas time. It's my first time towing anything so wish me luck!!

I know we have several members from the Wisbech area so if you see us come through your area please let us know.

Not only did I think it was a great way to support the care home, I thought it was a perfect opportunity to reach many local parents who may have experienced alienation in some form or another. I know there will be a lot who will value the community we are building here at PAPA.

I want to let you all know that there's someone out there looking out for you this Christmas.

If anyone in the Wisbech area wants to see us this year, the event poster with dates is below. The first one being tonight!

If any of you reading this are in need of any help or support then please feel free to become a member here at PAPA. The forum, blog and future resources are all completely free and will forever be.

Thank you for reading.

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